of “Love”
a (1): strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties <maternal
love for a child> (2): attraction based on
sexual desire : affection and tenderness felt by lovers, (3): affection based on
admiration, benevolence,
or common interests <love
for his old schoolmates> the object of attachment, devotion, or admiration
a: unselfish loyal
and benevolent concern for the good of another: as (1): the fatherly concern of God for humankind (2): brotherly concern for others b: a person's adoration of God
It’s that time of year when florist will be bombarded
with delivery requests, candy shops will be emptied as if a famine has hit the
land. Reservations will be made at the finest restaurants, and romantic dinners
for two will be catered in private homes… Jewelry store orders will be in high
demand, and Hallmark will not have enough cards to go around. For this one day,
lovers will embrace and drift off into a cupid induced state of euphoria and
infatuation. “ALL FOR ONE DAY”
It’s strange to me that this time every year businesses
sell-out all in the name of love, but on the days that follow love can so
easily run-out… many have asked the age old question:
The answers to the question are somewhere in the
We say that we love, but do we really show it on a consistent
basis? Let’s be honest with each other, it’s easy to love our spouses,
children, parents, siblings…etc. I can recall times when my brother and I would
fight each other like two cowboys in a saloon, but if someone else put their
hands on either of us their fate would be soon sealed by the both of us; but
that’s me and my brother.
My question to you is this; are you capable of loving
your fellow-man “unconditionally?” I mean do you really have the capacity “Christian”, to overlook the mistreatment you received at
the hand of your supervisor in the workplace; can you get past the harsh words from your
next door neighbor… do any of us have the ability to show real love to all of
I ask this question because it has always been my
understanding that we were created in the image and likeness of God, which
means that we should also have many of His attributes, the greatest of which is
the manner of love that He demonstrates towards us consistently inspite of all
our short-comings… “AGAPE”
The love of God for us was not shed abroad for just one
day; He loved us from the foundation of the world, and has not changed His mind
about how He feels towards you and me; that’s real love.
Why do we find it impossible to truly love one another
in these mortal bodies?
Answer: Because we don’t truly love God
How do I know this? God commanded us to love Him with
all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength… (Ref.
Mark 12:30) This means that each day we should have an already made up mind
to honor Him at the very break of dawn with prayer, adoration, and praise…
spend some time in his word for a better understanding of who God is; and to
know His heart. We should always seek instruction from him in reference to His
plans for our day; that’s real love… (Ref.
Matthew 6:11, Luke 11:13)
Those who truly love God have absolutely no problem
extending love to others….even to perfect strangers. Our love for God is at the
heart of the agape love which comes from His heart to us and enables us to do
likewise. God is the epitome and the originator of love which makes us the
first recipients of His unconditional love; that’s real love. (Ref. 1st John 4:19, Luke
We are constantly told that, love isn’t what it says; it’s what it does… but love is also what
it doesn’t do. Real love doesn’t gossip, it doesn’t harbor ill-feelings towards
another. Real love doesn’t put itself before or above others; neither does it
neglect or overlook someone else. Real love doesn’t behave selfishly, but is
always more than ready to give of itself. (Ref.
1st Corinthians 13:1-13 NKJV)
Here is yet another aspect of love; it is able to
demonstrate forgiveness and favor despite being manipulated or mistreated; it
will sacrifice of itself on the behalf of others. (Ref. Luke 23:34, John 3:16, 15:13)
The ability to really love is the true indicator that
not only do we love God, but we are His true disciples… (Ref. John 13:35)
this is love that we walk
after his commandments. This is the commandment, that, as ye have
heard from the beginning, ye should walk in it.” 2nd John 1:6
So……if you desire to have a real happy valentine’s day…..
Real Love”
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