Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Do You Really Know What Time It Is?

In today’s micro-wave generation we human beings are completely consumed by time; our days are measured and planned according to time, we wake up each morning at a certain time, parents rush their children off to school just in time so that they, themselves can arrive at work on time. Often time our work moves into overtime, giving us just enough time to return home, rest and begin the cycle all over again. Time causes humans to get stuck in routine.
As much as time is used to organize our lives we still instinctively seem to waste time not realizing that we’re living on borrowed time. However we must understand that time is about change and change doesn’t happen all at once, it happens in succession. It is important to know that God controls time and He is able to recall time; therefore we actually live on God’s time. Yet God is eternal and He’s already lived all of our days.

 So in our relationship with God it is essential to understand that He is past, present and future. He knew everyone here before the very foundation of the world; God expected us to make our many mistakes, He knew how they would affect us today and tomorrow however when He looks on us, God doesn’t see who we are in reference to past and present but He see’s who we’ll become.

  1st John 3:2 - Beloved, now are we the sons of God and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that when He shall appear we shall be like Him…”  
 God is not consumed by time because time is contained in Him.
  2nd Peter 3:8 – “…be not ignorant of this one thing; that one day with the Lord is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.”  

That’s why mamma used to say “He may not come when you want Him, but when He comes He’s always right on time.”

Just incase you haven’t noticed, we are living in the last days; how so you might ask?
In the 24th chapter of Matthews Jesus disciples asked Him when would He return and what would be a sign that the end of the world shall come?
 Point 1: Jesus warns them; “For many shall come in my name saying I am the Christ; and shall deceive many.”

We have witnessed the horrors of Jim Jones and David Koresh, men who considered themselves to not only be the Messiah, but in many cases thought they were above the Holy One of Israel. Today we have a well known pastor being hailed as the king of the Kingdom.

 Point 2: Wars and rumors of wars, nation against nation.

Americia has recently began withdrawing troops frm Iraq, and is still fighting in Afghanistan, while North Korea and Iran are threatening Israel and the US. 

Point 3: Famine and pestilence; earthquakes in divers’ places.

HIV and flesh eating diseases continue to take a toll on human life, and there have been endless natural disasters throughout the world. We've witnessed Tsunami's in Aisa, Earthquakes in Haiti and Indonesia, while on the United States Gulf Coast Hurricaine Katrina left severe devastation.

Point 4: Christian beliefs and biblical doctrines are hated and despised by many nations.

Books such as “The Da Vinci Code” and “The Book of Judas” attempt to discredit the deity and life of Christ. Movies such as “The Fighting Temptations” and “The Gospel” have made a mockery of the Christian faith.
 Jesus told his disciples that when we see these thing coming to pass, we should know that our redemption is drawing near.
(Ref. Luke 21:28)

Shhhh.....can you hear that sound?

 "The Alarm Clock Is Ringing": Do you really know what time is?

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