Saturday, February 23, 2013

"The Hallmark of Discipleship"

Before we continue with this thought, let’s be clear on the definition of “Religion”…

Webster defines it as: a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices…

The Word of God defines it on this wise: “Pure religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you…” James 1:27 (NLT)

Religion in it’s proper context is not a bad thing, however as disciples of Christ we are not called to be religious and most certainly we should never develop religious attitudes for any purpose.

I’ve found through the years that religious people often tend to be hardliners where much of their religious doctrine is concerned. But let me remind you that religious doctrine in many cases does more harm than good.

It is often in the name of religious doctrine that many are shunned away from the church and never reconciled or restored to the Body of Christ. Religion will at times bring about spiritual blindness causing you not to see or realize the redeemable qualities of another. It can kill your ability to be humble which will also lead to spiritual arrogance and snobbery.

How does one profess to be a disciple of Christ and at the same time allow his religious pride to dismiss, mistreat, or overlook ones fellowman and yet declare that God is love? What gives you the right to assassinate a persons character all in the name of your religion?

Only the arrogant will look upon another person and condemn them even though the Father sees far past our eye of condemnation and looks at the finished product which He ordained from the foundation of the world. Our religious view will see a devil where God has ordained a prophet, pastor, evangelist, preacher, or teacher...etc

A great quality is absent from the church because many have decided to appoint themselves as judges over the congregation instead of examples of Gods’ attributes and adherers to His precepts.

May I remind you that your religious thoughts and works are not the keys which gain access to the Kingdom of God, nor are they assurances of eternal life.

Paul writes in Romans 12:1- “I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, HOLY, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service…”

Every blood-washed believer is called to be “Holy”, not religious.

1st Peter 1:15-16 states: “But as He which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation; cause it is written, be ye holy; for I am holy.”

1st Thessalonians 4:7 clearly states: “For God hath not called us unto uncleanness, but unto holiness.”

So then, what is holiness?

Let’s first start by declaring what it’s not: Holiness is not a religious doctrine or a systematic set of rules designed to govern the people of God.

However holiness is a lifestyle that brings glory not to the individual, but to God. It means to separate oneself from the profane things of this world.

Holiness means being dedicated and consecrated to God, it means to be cleansed and purified internally by the renewing of the soul. This lifestyle also carries with it faithfulness, kindness, and godliness.

Holiness is what drives us to love our fellowman….

Holiness causes us to obey Gods’ commandments at all cost….

Holiness pushes us to a relationship of worship unto the Father….

Holiness reminds us to give thanks for all that He’s done….

Holiness always overcomes hatred, anger, and arrogance….

Holiness opens the door to the wisdom that makes soul-winners of us all….

It gives us the mind of Christ and lets us see what He sees, while keeping us at peace with others because without holiness, we can’t even hope to see God. (Hebrews 12:14)

So remember; it’s not your religious beliefs or systems that mark you as a true believer.

“Holiness”….that’s the hallmark of a true disciple.






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