Having spent some time in my youth on the farms of some relatives in South Carolina, I can say that everyday was almost like being in the classroom. The great thing about it all is that the lessons were always hands-on...
There were no blackboards, no notebooks or pencils... Just the tools of the trade. Take plowing for instance; though it looks simple enough I can tell you a great deal of painstaking work is involved.
You must know how to take command of the beasts before you and always be sure to give the proper commands for going left or right, stop and go. All easier said than done.
My Uncle Harvey used to tell us; "the very first row that you plow will determine how straight the rest of the job will be".... but most importantly... "You Must Always Look Straight Ahead."
Looking behind you will not only take you off course, but even worse it will cause your row to become crooked, and let me tell you...it's almost next to impossible to make straight a row thats been plowed off course.
It also adds more time to the job (delays are unacceptable) while ultimately burning both you and your beasts of burden out.
Can I tell you that these same rules apply to everyone who's decided to follow after Christ...
Luke 9:61-62 (NLT) reads: And another said, "Yes Lord, I will follow you, but first let me say good-bye to my family." But Jesus told him, "Anyone who puts his hand to the plow (proclaiming of the Gospel) and then looks back is not fit for the Kingdom of God."
One cannot be too concerned with the things of this world while at the same time operating in the Kingdom realm. Isn't it enough that Satan daily throws stumbling blocks in our direction?
When we take ill advised peaks into our past, often times we find that our concentration will be on our past failures, and that is the enemies plan. Focusing on failure leads to depression and ultimately oppression; therefore locking you into a state of defeat.
It is also equally dangerous to allow oneself to become enamored with many of the attitudes and life-styles of this present age.
How is it that the Saints of God are more and more excited about the lives of secular artists, and hooked on so-called reality shows?
Some are even being hoodwinked into accepting such foolishness as "The Sisterhood" because it is supposedly about the wives of certain pastors; and although it may paint a perfect picture of the individuals involved in the series, it does not represent the "Body of Christ"...
Understand this:
Satan knows what your flesh likes and longs for so he goes about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.
He will even entice you with rememberances of yourself B.C.
Reminding you of the pleasures of sin that seemed good in your seasons without Jesus.
As disciples of The Anointed One, we have a duty to proclaim His Gospel by way of voice..."Go Ye Therefore..." and by the way that we live...."Let You Light So Shine..."
Knowing that God will never lead us into temptation, and is always at the ready to deliver us from evil.
So as you continue your Christian Journey, remember to keep looking forward, keep your focus on Christ...and above all...
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