Thursday, March 8, 2012

A Lot Of Stuff....But It's Working Out!

This morning I decided to take a self-inventory of all that I have obtained and/or incurred during my “Followship” with Chris. There have been some positive achievements, and some negative, there are highs as well as lows. Overall, I can say that I’ve been disappointed and also a disappointment.

There are often days when I don’t feel like a child of the Most High God, and even less than a Minister of the Gospel. I used to think that living the Christian life was a steady flow of basking in His glory, lifting the name of the Lord in praise. I was led to believe that my life as a believer was untouchable then one day I heard a horror story.

It seems there was this guy who truly lived a life of honor and integrity; a man that reverenced God morning, noon, and night. It was said of this man that he hated evil with a passion and always sought to do good in the sight of God. He was a man of great wealth; in fact it is believed that he was the wealthiest man on the face of the earth. Suddenly one afternoon while he was tending his own business and his children were feasting, a messenger rushed into his dwelling. Out of breath the messenger said, sir; while we tended to your livestock thieves snuck up on us. They rustled your oxen and donkeys, then killed every field-hand, I barely escaped with my life….

Before he could finish his report another employee ran in and reported. Listen boss, this may sound crazy, but while your sheep were grazing a meteor fell from the sky burning the entire flock and my fellow co-workers; it’s a miracle that I was able to get out with my life… Right in the middle of his report came a third person; hey chief, you’re not gonna believe this, but a band of raiders rushed us, they got away with your heard of camels, then the bullets started flying; everyone except me caught it…

His report was immediately followed by a fourth messenger; “Oh my goodness!” I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news boss, but your children were all together enjoying a feast prepared by your eldest son when all of a sudden there was this huge explosion, the house where they all were was completely destroyed and there is no sign of life.

This man was very heartbroken, but somehow he found a way to glorify God right there in the midst of his devastation. Wow, he lost everything he possessed, even the lives of his children. Sadly enough his turmoil didn’t end there, a few days later he became very sick and diseased. He had puss-filled boils all over his body, lost his appetite, and had no money to even purchase medication. First his wife decided to bail-out on him, and then three of his so-called friends paid him a visit only to judge him as an evil-doer because of the situation he found himself in. This man whose name means persecuted and hated, was prepared to give up on his life. He even questioned how God could allow such upheaval to happen in his life. After-all, he  lived a godly life and made sacrifice to the Lord daily. After a harsh rebuke from the Lord, this fellow repented and was promptly blessed by God to receiving more than he’d lost. (Reference Job)

We are living in the age of “Apostasy” or the great falling away from Christian doctrine; a condition by which the weak-minded church goer will easily give up on God because he or she is temporarily positioned in a very low valley experiment. It’s particularly strange to me that when things are going well, people have no problem praising God, but praise is easy seeing how everything that breathes is commanded to praise Him. Those who truly love the Lord are in that intimate place where no matter how difficult times are they’ve developed a “for God I’ll live, and for God I’ll die” outlook on their situation. It’s because they realized “…that all things work together for the good of them that love God, to them who are called according to His purpose”. (Romans 8:28)

Losing loved-ones, a home, employment, and material wealth in chain-reaction like fashion is a lot of stuff; enough to make the average person surrender and succumb to defeat. But you my friends are not average:

“But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people, that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness, into his marvelous light”. (1st Peter 2:9)

Just like God in his infinite wisdom chose Job to endure hardship, he’s also chosen you for the soul purpose of demonstrating that his power is at work in you, enabling you to perform exploits in his name. We are encouraged to be strong in the Lord and the power of his might… (Ephesians 6:10)… because, when you’re at your weakest moment, Gods’ strength is perfected in you.

So remember; you may be made to suffer through a lot of stuff, but it’s all working out… for you.

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