I’ve often wondered how so many religious doctrines have
come about in the past ten or so years, more importantly; how their level of
influence increased within the popular culture. For at least the last ten years
Islamic Mosques have been erected all over the city of Philadelphia. Mormons are
roaming through “every city USA”
seeking new converts to their belief, the Jehovah’s Witnesses have a long
standing of knocking on doors across the country; and lately the so-called “Original Hebrew Israelites” are beginning
to gain attention with their rhetoric. In “Pied
Piper” fashion the youth of the world have been mesmerized by the hip-hop
culture and are living out their lives through rap music, becoming a law unto themselves.
It is just as the Apostle Paul warned Timothy, the day has
surely come when the world will not endure sound doctrine, but after their own
lust will they heap to themselves teachers having itchy ears; so easily turned
away from the truth and following after fables…(ref. 2nd Timothy 4:3-4)
But what is the crux of the whole issue? Could it be that
Jude’s proclamation was true when he warned that some ungodly people had wormed
their way into our churches, saying that Gods’ marvelous grace allows us to
live immoral lives…? (Ref. Jude vs. 4)
You can say that I’m proposing the faults and issues we now
face both within and without of the church began with “church folk”… or should we call them; “The Great Pretenders”? You see them every
day: living next door, in the cafeteria at work, in the super-market, in the
lottery line, at casino’s and night clubs, sneaking in and out of sleazy hotels
and motels; on the deacons board, in the pulpit, handing out tracks in the
parking-lot, then on Sunday morning, usually after the alter-call and the
offering, they show up; just in time to hear the choir.
They pretend to live spotless lives all-the-while forgetting
that you were all just partying together the night before. What happens when
those who see them rushing off to church every Sunday approach them with a
serious prayer request and in need of real breakthrough? They soon realize that
the very so-called saint they depended on can’t even get a prayer through.
It has been said by some that the only Jesus most people
will see is you; but that can only happen if his Spirit lives inside of you. There
are too many church folk pretending to walk in the Light when there is no
apparent light shining from them. Quite naturally when the culture realizes
this fact, the “Body of Christ” is
accused of not “KEEPING IT REAL”.
Our testimony becomes a testi-phoney before an unbelieving
Must I remind you that we are indeed living in the last of
the last days, and the return of Christ is nearer than we might think? Perhaps
we should get back to some basic Christ-like guidelines and holdfast to the
truth found in the word of God. But where do we begin? Here are just a few
Walk In
The Spirit – I speak to you about the Spirit of Christ. Jesus
promised not to leave us comfortless and pointed out that when the Spirit of
truth comes, he would lead us and guide us all the while bringing every word
that he spoke, back to our memory. By obeying the Spirit, we will not succumb to
the imaginations of our flesh and will not heap sin and shame upon our
spirit-man. Nor will we make a practice of going against the grain of Gods’
word… (Ref. Galatians 5:16, John 14:16
&26, 15:26)
In The Lord – One of the biggest problems within the church is
that too many Christians are accustomed to making decisions without inquiring
from God their next course of action. Even kings of old knew enough to seek the
face of God in good times and bad. It is imperative that the born again
believer seek instruction from the Lord concerning all matters, for to do
otherwise will lead to certain destruction (Ref.
Proverbs 3:5, 16:20, 28:25, 29:25, 14:12, 1st Samuel 30:1-8)
Stay In
The Word – It is impossible to understand and know the
heart of God without studying the Bible at home and in church. In fact, we can’t
even begin to understand who we are without being made alive and empowered by
the word of God. Traveling through this life without studying the word is equivalent
to driving cross country for the first time without the aid of a road atlas or
gps. Not only will you realize from whence you came, but also where the Spirit
is taking you. A constant diet of the word will show that you’ve been approved
by God to live it and share it. Keep the word close to your heart and you will
not err in your ways. (Ref. Psalm 119:11
& 16, 119:50 & 89, 119:105, John 6:63, Hebrews 4:12, 2nd
Timothy 2:15)
And above all; “Don’t
Forget To Pray”…prayer is an essential weapon in your arsenal. Many things
are accomplished through prayer. For God has said: “If my people, which are called by my name, would humble themselves and
pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked
ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and heal their
land… 2nd Chronicles 7:14
By becoming real
men and women of God, we demonstrate that we really do love the Lord and are able to really obey his commandments. Now when the culture sees you they’ll
know that Jesus is real because based on your obedience to him alone, you are
able to “Keep it Real”.
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