Friday, March 23, 2012

"Follow Christ.....Lead By Example"

“In the spring of the year, when kings normally go out to war, David sent Joab and the Israelite army to fight the Ammonites. They destroyed the Ammonite army and laid siege to the city of Rabbah. However, David stayed behind in Jerusalem.

2 Late one afternoon, after his midday rest, David got out of bed and was walking on the roof of the palace. As he looked out over the city, he noticed a woman of unusual beauty taking a bath. 3 He sent someone to find out who she was, and he was told, “She is Bathsheba, the daughter of Eliam and the wife of Uriah the Hittite.”   (2nd Samuel 11:1-3 NLT)

There are many members of the church at large who aspire to hold a position in leadership and there is nothing wrong with having such aspirations…but too often people neglect to count the cost of leadership. These individuals also deny a need for leadership training and instead seek to establish their own rules and regulations by which they are not obligated to observe.

These kinds of attitudes and attributes are prescriptions for disaster that pave the way to bad leadership across the board, wrong decisions, and un-godly ideals and ultimately the dismantling of ministries, and congregations.

It has been commonly stated that in order to be a good leader, one must also be a good follower… Good leaders lead by example, they make every effort to meet deadlines, see to the needs of their staff, their superiors, and subordinates. Good leaders are not in the habit of being more concerned for themselves as they are of those whom they are responsible for and to. Good leaders adhere to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and the instruction of their pastor, more importantly; good leaders never take advantage of their authority by allowing themselves to be distracted or drawn away from their post.

In the military every man and woman has 11 General Orders that they must obey while on sentry duty. The 5th of these general orders is very distinct in its instruction:

“To quit my post only when properly relieved”

When a sentry abandons his or her post, it leaves the enemy access to infiltrate and commit sabotage against everything and everyone in their wake.

During the season when David was supposed to have been leading the armies of Israel against the Ammonites, he allowed himself to be distracted. David the king was drawn away from his post by a different enemy; lust. When reading the story of David’s sin with Bathsheba we must come to the realization that this wasn’t the first time he witnessed her bathing. Apparently Bathsheba was in the habit of washing herself in the late afternoon and upon learning of her routine, David was drawn away by his own lust and enticed. By being away from his post in the season when kings go off to battle, David was drawn into a gross abuse of power which led to adultery, deception, conspiracy, and finally murder. The reprisal of his actions would be felt throughout his family and the kingdom for generations.

We have all been placed in a particular season designed by God to bring out the best of us for the Kingdom…Set apart for the Masters use. This is not a time for invisible leadership.

The Lord needs us praying for the Body of Christ and the Body of Christ needs to know that we are prayed up to get a prayer through. As those entrusted with the spiritual lives of the congregations which we serve our lights must shine in a manner that sets examples of holiness by which the church will proudly follow. When we neglect to attend prayer, and Bible study; the dye is cast and those whom we lead will follow suit. If leaders refuse to tithe it becomes senseless to expect the congregation to tithe.

More importantly, when leaders use their authority as a means to cover-up sinful motives and behavior, it becomes a recipe for failure both in leadership and your Christian walk. Failure to lead as God has planned is a sure destroyer of your testimony.

Paul admonished the church at Corinth to “Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ.” (1st Corinthians 11:1).

God has empowered us with dominion and authority to be world changers. Therefore, if a good leader is truly a good follower; then I admonish you to “Follow Christ...and…Lead By Example”

Thursday, March 22, 2012


I have been absent for a few days and I do apologize....but every now-and-then I need a little me time; its in those moments when one of the following has occured: I've either ran my battery way below functionability, I've faltered in some area of my walk, or all of the above.

No matter the case, I needed to step away for a moment and make an honest inside observation concerning what I'm doing, why I do it, and  how I'm getting it done.

Let me confess that I am as flawed and imperfect as the next person; yet I expect nothing less than perfection from myself ; and when I fail, I'll dejectedly take a break to reflect... I guess you could say that's both the God in me and the Marine in me.

I never want to give anyone the impression that I've got it all together...that would be a great lie. The Apostle Paul writes in 1st Corinthians 11:4;

"Every man praying or prophesying, having his head covered, dishornereth his head."

I believe Paul is saying that those of us who have been called and chosen by God to proclaim and minister the Gospel are also called to be transparent. One of the reasons we were ever called in the first place is because we were in our past even more imperfect than we are today. (Reference Biblical characters such as Abraham, Jacob, Moses, David, Peter, and Paul...)

Many of our greatest Biblical heros had their flaws for which they repented of, and made no excuses for. But more importantly; they understood that to keep them hidden would have rendered their leadership and legacy ineffective...

Irregardless of our flaws; God has every intention on getting glory out of our lives according to his purpose. (Reference Romans 8:28)

So there you have it... try as I may, I'm not perfect and you won't hear me excuses my imperfection by saying that I'm only my estimation, that's a cop-out.

However I refuse to allow my not being perfect to keep me from reaching my destiny in ministry, or my goal which is to make Heaven my eternal home. In laymens terms; I'm not giving up. Proverbs 24:16 states;

"For a just man falleth seven times, and riseth up again."

I'm reminded of the time when I was learning to ride a bike without the training wheels... I'd start peddling only to find myself getting up off the ground; this ritual lasted five days. The following day (Saturday) I was over my cousin Rob's house. He was a couple of years older and a bit wiser, so I asked him to teach me to ride.

Rob grabed his English Racer and we went into the street to begin my lesson. He would get on the back of the bike to help keep me balanced and then encourage me to keep peddling. After a while Rob jumped off of the bike without my knowledge, in which case I rode for a very good distance before falling. When I turned around to see if he was alright, I realized that he'd let me ride all by myself. At that moment my cousin yelled;

"You're ok, just get back up on the bicycle and keep on peddling, I'm watching you and I'll help if you fall."

For those who've come to the realization that you're as flawed as I am, just get back up on your bike...somewhere in the distance you'll hear Christ saying; "Lo, I am with you always...just get back up on your bicycle, and keep on peddling!"

Thursday, March 15, 2012

"A Midnight Wrestling Match"

“During the night Jacob got up and took his two wives, his two servant wives, and his eleven sons and crossed the Jabbok River with them. After taking them to the other side, he sent over all his possessions. This left Jacob all alone in the camp, and a man came and wrestled with him until the dawn began to break. When the man saw that he would not win the match, he touched Jacob’s hip and wrenched it out of its socket. Then the man said, “Let me go, for the dawn is breaking!”

But Jacob said, “I will not let you go unless you bless me.”

“What is your name?” the man asked. He replied, “Jacob”.

“Your name will no longer be Jacob,” the man told him. “From now on you will be called Israel, because you have fought with God and with men and have won.” “Please tell me your name,” Jacob said. “Why do you want to know my name?” the man replied. Then he blessed Jacob there.

Jacob named the place Peniel (which means “face of God”), for he said, “I have seen God face to face, yet my life has been spared”. The sun was rising as Jacob left Peniel, and he was limping because of the injury to his hip.” (Genesis 32:22-31 NLT)

Jacob was just coming off the heels of being pursued by Laban whom he deceived, and he found himself facing the fear of confronting his brother Esau whose birthright he stolen years earlier. What was unknown to Jacob is that inspite of his past recklessness, destiny was directly before him. However there were yet a few more stops on the way.

Perhaps this is your story also…Yes, I’m speaking to those of you who are about to give birth to great ministry, but haven’t yet realized that you’ve been impregnated. I speak to you who’ve felt the urging of the Holy Spirit, but you’re reluctant to answer the call. Last but not least, I speak to those who know your destiny, but are afraid to take-hold of it because of your past and what others might think or feel about you.

I say to you that you are on a collision course that will lead to your Jabbok…Crossing your Jabbok refers to your being emptied…the cart that you’re pulling has been weighted-down with doubt and fear; and since those are not qualities which come from God, nor should they be found in the man/woman of God, it is imperative that they be released (emptied) from your spirit. You must also empty yourself from the issues of other people. Although we are called to help bear one-another’s burdens, we are not required to carry them into our purpose. It’s difficult to wrestle against principalities, powers, and spiritual wickedness …when your hands are filled with the cares of this world.

I’ve been where you are, in fact we are cruising together in the same boat; in the past we’ve been both deceivers and deceived liars and lied upon, cheaters and cheated on; but God in his infinite wisdom has called us to the greatness of becoming sheep before the slaughter. I sense you’re struggling with the very thought of being chosen…right now you’re wrestling with the call. But I urge you not to let go, you must hold on and not give up on it; “destiny awaits you”. The enemy wants you to mis-carry or give birth prematurely; but I say to you keep wrestling until you experience the limp… (having your walk changed)…this says that you have exchanged your will for Gods’ will, and know that from this day forward; God is fighting for you as you face the armies of darkness, he’s even fighting for you as you seek his face.

It’s midnight, a wrestling match has been made…will you accept the challenge?

Remember; you can do all things through Christ, whose calling you into the ring.


  1. Genesis 32:1 Verses 32:1-32 are numbered 32:2-33 in Hebrew text.
  2. Genesis 32:22 Jabbok Hebrew word for emptying
  3. Genesis 32:28 Jacob sounds like the Hebrew words for “heel” and “deceiver.” Israel means “God fights.”
  4. Genesis 32:31 Hebrew Penuel, a variant spelling of Peniel.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

"Puppy Love"

My sister has a pet dog that’s part Jack Russell Terrier, part Pug named “Sheba”. She is the most annoying animal that I’ve ever come in contact with; constantly barking, always chasing the cat around the house although playfully. To top it all off, she is the most spoiled little dog in the world.

But…..on the flip side, Sheba is the most loving and lovable dog that I’ve ever been around. Anytime I leave the house, no matter how long or short; this little dog goes through her ritual of running around the coffee table a few times, jumping up on the couch once and then she jumps up on me wagging her tail as if I’d just returned from a long journey. She missed me that much.

However I’m not the only person who receives such treatment, she’s the same way with everybody that comes through the door. Here’s the kicker, you can yell at her, shoo her, or even push her away; no matter what response you give her, she still extends the same energy of love towards you.

Imagine; receiving that kind of treatment constantly from a little dog. Now imagine getting the same treatment from each other.

With us humans it’s so easy to say “I love you”…. Those are just shallow words most of the time, but it’s difficult to do I love you. Unfortunately our love is condition based, we only direct our love towards those who treat us well, or do good things for us. The Apostle Paul said concerning love:

If I could speak all the languages of earth and of angels, but didn’t love others, I would only be a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. 2 If I had the gift of prophecy, and if I understood all of God’s secret plans and possessed all knowledge, and if I had such faith that I could move mountains, but didn’t love others, I would be nothing. 3 If I gave everything I have to the poor and even sacrificed my body, I could boast about it; but if I didn’t love others, I would have gained nothing.

4 Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud 5 or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. 6 It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. 7 Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance. (1st Corinthians 13:1-7 NLT)

Men often speak of what they’d do in the name of love… but there are always conditions, women also tell of the love they long for and expect…. they may have a difficult time returning it…. and there are still conditions.

When God willingly sent his only son, Jesus, to earth for the sole purpose of carrying our sins to the cross; he did so inspite of our penchant to sin continually. He loves you and me with an undying love regardless of how disobedient we can be towards him, or how badly we treat each other.

My sister’s dog is a reminder of that kind of love…. There have been times when she became so irritating and annoying that I would put her in her cage…. She would obediently and dejectedly walk inside the cage. I’m sure that inside her little doggie heart, she was hurt by my actions…. But one thing always remains the same with her, Sheba will always show how much she still loves me…. without conditions.

If you want my opinion; that’s real “Puppy Love”

Friday, March 9, 2012

"Keep It Real!"

I’ve often wondered how so many religious doctrines have come about in the past ten or so years, more importantly; how their level of influence increased within the popular culture. For at least the last ten years Islamic Mosques have been erected all over the city of Philadelphia. Mormons are roaming through “every city USA” seeking new converts to their belief, the Jehovah’s Witnesses have a long standing of knocking on doors across the country; and lately the so-called “Original Hebrew Israelites” are beginning to gain attention with their rhetoric. In “Pied Piper” fashion the youth of the world have been mesmerized by the hip-hop culture and are living out their lives through rap music, becoming a law unto themselves.

It is just as the Apostle Paul warned Timothy, the day has surely come when the world will not endure sound doctrine, but after their own lust will they heap to themselves teachers having itchy ears; so easily turned away from the truth and following after fables…(ref. 2nd Timothy 4:3-4)

But what is the crux of the whole issue? Could it be that Jude’s proclamation was true when he warned that some ungodly people had wormed their way into our churches, saying that Gods’ marvelous grace allows us to live immoral lives…? (Ref. Jude vs. 4)

You can say that I’m proposing the faults and issues we now face both within and without of the church began with “church folk”… or should we call them; “The Great Pretenders”? You see them every day: living next door, in the cafeteria at work, in the super-market, in the lottery line, at casino’s and night clubs, sneaking in and out of sleazy hotels and motels; on the deacons board, in the pulpit, handing out tracks in the parking-lot, then on Sunday morning, usually after the alter-call and the offering, they show up; just in time to hear the choir.

They pretend to live spotless lives all-the-while forgetting that you were all just partying together the night before. What happens when those who see them rushing off to church every Sunday approach them with a serious prayer request and in need of real breakthrough? They soon realize that the very so-called saint they depended on can’t even get a prayer through.

It has been said by some that the only Jesus most people will see is you; but that can only happen if his Spirit lives inside of you. There are too many church folk pretending to walk in the Light when there is no apparent light shining from them. Quite naturally when the culture realizes this fact, the “Body of Christ” is accused of not “KEEPING IT REAL”.

Our testimony becomes a testi-phoney before an unbelieving society.

Must I remind you that we are indeed living in the last of the last days, and the return of Christ is nearer than we might think? Perhaps we should get back to some basic Christ-like guidelines and holdfast to the truth found in the word of God. But where do we begin? Here are just a few suggestions:

·         Walk In The Spirit – I speak to you about the Spirit of Christ. Jesus promised not to leave us comfortless and pointed out that when the Spirit of truth comes, he would lead us and guide us all the while bringing every word that he spoke, back to our memory. By obeying the Spirit, we will not succumb to the imaginations of our flesh and will not heap sin and shame upon our spirit-man. Nor will we make a practice of going against the grain of Gods’ word… (Ref. Galatians 5:16, John 14:16 &26, 15:26)

·         Trust In The Lord – One of the biggest problems within the church is that too many Christians are accustomed to making decisions without inquiring from God their next course of action. Even kings of old knew enough to seek the face of God in good times and bad. It is imperative that the born again believer seek instruction from the Lord concerning all matters, for to do otherwise will lead to certain destruction  (Ref. Proverbs 3:5, 16:20, 28:25, 29:25, 14:12, 1st Samuel 30:1-8)

·         Stay In The Word – It is impossible to understand and know the heart of God without studying the Bible at home and in church. In fact, we can’t even begin to understand who we are without being made alive and empowered by the word of God. Traveling through this life without studying the word is equivalent to driving cross country for the first time without the aid of a road atlas or gps. Not only will you realize from whence you came, but also where the Spirit is taking you. A constant diet of the word will show that you’ve been approved by God to live it and share it. Keep the word close to your heart and you will not err in your ways. (Ref. Psalm 119:11 & 16, 119:50 & 89, 119:105, John 6:63, Hebrews 4:12, 2nd Timothy 2:15)

And above all; “Don’t Forget To Pray”…prayer is an essential weapon in your arsenal. Many things are accomplished through prayer. For God has said: “If my people, which are called by my name, would humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and heal their land… 2nd Chronicles 7:14

By becoming real men and women of God, we demonstrate that we really do love the Lord and are able to really obey his commandments. Now when the culture sees you they’ll know that Jesus is real because based on your obedience to him alone, you are able to “Keep it Real”.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

A Lot Of Stuff....But It's Working Out!

This morning I decided to take a self-inventory of all that I have obtained and/or incurred during my “Followship” with Chris. There have been some positive achievements, and some negative, there are highs as well as lows. Overall, I can say that I’ve been disappointed and also a disappointment.

There are often days when I don’t feel like a child of the Most High God, and even less than a Minister of the Gospel. I used to think that living the Christian life was a steady flow of basking in His glory, lifting the name of the Lord in praise. I was led to believe that my life as a believer was untouchable then one day I heard a horror story.

It seems there was this guy who truly lived a life of honor and integrity; a man that reverenced God morning, noon, and night. It was said of this man that he hated evil with a passion and always sought to do good in the sight of God. He was a man of great wealth; in fact it is believed that he was the wealthiest man on the face of the earth. Suddenly one afternoon while he was tending his own business and his children were feasting, a messenger rushed into his dwelling. Out of breath the messenger said, sir; while we tended to your livestock thieves snuck up on us. They rustled your oxen and donkeys, then killed every field-hand, I barely escaped with my life….

Before he could finish his report another employee ran in and reported. Listen boss, this may sound crazy, but while your sheep were grazing a meteor fell from the sky burning the entire flock and my fellow co-workers; it’s a miracle that I was able to get out with my life… Right in the middle of his report came a third person; hey chief, you’re not gonna believe this, but a band of raiders rushed us, they got away with your heard of camels, then the bullets started flying; everyone except me caught it…

His report was immediately followed by a fourth messenger; “Oh my goodness!” I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news boss, but your children were all together enjoying a feast prepared by your eldest son when all of a sudden there was this huge explosion, the house where they all were was completely destroyed and there is no sign of life.

This man was very heartbroken, but somehow he found a way to glorify God right there in the midst of his devastation. Wow, he lost everything he possessed, even the lives of his children. Sadly enough his turmoil didn’t end there, a few days later he became very sick and diseased. He had puss-filled boils all over his body, lost his appetite, and had no money to even purchase medication. First his wife decided to bail-out on him, and then three of his so-called friends paid him a visit only to judge him as an evil-doer because of the situation he found himself in. This man whose name means persecuted and hated, was prepared to give up on his life. He even questioned how God could allow such upheaval to happen in his life. After-all, he  lived a godly life and made sacrifice to the Lord daily. After a harsh rebuke from the Lord, this fellow repented and was promptly blessed by God to receiving more than he’d lost. (Reference Job)

We are living in the age of “Apostasy” or the great falling away from Christian doctrine; a condition by which the weak-minded church goer will easily give up on God because he or she is temporarily positioned in a very low valley experiment. It’s particularly strange to me that when things are going well, people have no problem praising God, but praise is easy seeing how everything that breathes is commanded to praise Him. Those who truly love the Lord are in that intimate place where no matter how difficult times are they’ve developed a “for God I’ll live, and for God I’ll die” outlook on their situation. It’s because they realized “…that all things work together for the good of them that love God, to them who are called according to His purpose”. (Romans 8:28)

Losing loved-ones, a home, employment, and material wealth in chain-reaction like fashion is a lot of stuff; enough to make the average person surrender and succumb to defeat. But you my friends are not average:

“But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people, that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness, into his marvelous light”. (1st Peter 2:9)

Just like God in his infinite wisdom chose Job to endure hardship, he’s also chosen you for the soul purpose of demonstrating that his power is at work in you, enabling you to perform exploits in his name. We are encouraged to be strong in the Lord and the power of his might… (Ephesians 6:10)… because, when you’re at your weakest moment, Gods’ strength is perfected in you.

So remember; you may be made to suffer through a lot of stuff, but it’s all working out… for you.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

"A Promotion To Problems"

During my second enlistment in the Marines I was attached to a firing battery of the 11th Marines Artillery Regiment…My tenure there lasted about one week. Headquarters discovered that I was NCO within the regiment who was also a school trained wireman. So I was summoned to the Regimental Com Officer and promoted to Regimental Wire Chief… While this was a very important position which kept me in constant contact with high ranking superior officers and fellow non-coms, mistakes at that level were not tolerated.

A regiment is made up of four battalions which consist of about 300 individuals; so as you can imagine, my responsibility was very enormous… Upon being sent up to Headquarters Battery I was taken on a tour of the entire area to examine the wire lines that made up our “Emergency Telecommunication System”. To my utter amazement the wires were running in every direction, there was no uniformity at all and this created a huge problem. Lines were so low that when trucks came through the area there was always the possibility of them being torn down, and because they were running in so many different directions, troubleshooting was grossly problematic.  

We were expected to repair in one month what had been constantly messed over in a matter of years. There was a lot of strategic planning, a need for lots of material and equipment. Each battalion would have to assign 4 men daily to the project, not to mention the late nights and no weekends off, even during inclimate weather the work went on … However; (to quote Gen. Douglas MacArthur) “with the help of God and a few Marines…” the job was completed, but not without a plethora of problems that I hadn’t anticipated on facing.

It’s no different in the life of the believer; living for Christ, while it is an awesome blessing and privilege, it’s not without problems. Scripture teaches us;

“…all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution”. (2nd Timothy 3:12)

No promotion or elevation comes easily, it requires diligence, hard work, and struggles along the way. If life was easy then we’d never be tested, our spirit-man would weaken daily and we would be useless to the Kingdom of God.

We’ll suffer heartache and disappointment along the journey. God knows what awaits us down the road of life because He’s responsible for ordering our steps. I’m reminded of the evening that I arrived at basic training… there were three drill instructors yelling in our ear; “Move it, stand on the yellow footprints!” Those yellow footprints kept our feet in a perfect 45 degree angle… So what am I saying? Since God has already ordered your steps, just stay in the footprints that He’s laid down before you; because when the dust clears from all of your problems… you will have walked into victory over them to yet another promotion.  

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Killing The Assassin Within You...

One of my favorite movie hero’s is James Bond (Agent 007)… He’s always cool, has some of the most awesome spy gadgets and sports cars, and the list just goes on…

No matter where around the globe his assignments take him there is always an assassin lurking in some dark foreign alley seeking to take him out; some are double agents; men or women who pretend to be on his team but actually work for the enemy.

The assassin is an individual who commits murder for either personal or fanatical motives. They infiltrate every station in life the world over. Assassins operate in political and corporate arenas, work for organized crime factions, and oh yes; in the “Body of Christ”…

They operate from just about every position in the church, from the deacon board to the usher board… from the trustee board to the mother’s board… from the choir loft, to the finance committee… from the pulpit to the pew.

“Church Assassins” are cunning, crafty, and skilled enough to gain the trust and confidence of their victims. In their profession no target is off-limits.

I know what you’re thinking; “how does one become a church assassin?” The answer is very simple: “The tongue can bring life and death; those who love to talk will reap consequences”. Proverbs 18:21 (NLT)

The weapon of choice for the church assassin is the tongue. It shoots lethal backbiting, gossip, and false witness. This is what scripture has to say about the assassin and the tongue:

“…the tongue is a little member, and boasteth great things. Behold how great a matter a little fire kindleth! And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity: so is the tongue among our members, that it defileth the whole body, and setteth on fire the course of nature; it is set on fire of hell… but the tongue can no man tame; it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison. Out of the same mouth proceedeth blessing and cursing…”

James 3:5-10

Now brace yourself: the church assassins are you and I

Each time that we speak ill of anyone, we assassinate their character, destroy their hopes & dreams, and in many cases kill their spirit. But wait, there’s more… the church assassin is also suicidal, because when we kill the character of another, we also kill our testimony as believers and any chance of winning those around us to Christ.

Seeing that it is impossible to both praise God in the beauty of holiness and curse our fellowman using the same tongue; then we must be willing to kill the assassin within. This is done first by:

1.       Changing the way we think – The Apostle Paul admonishes every believer to fix our thoughts on what is true and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. To think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. (Philippians 4:8 NLT)… By altering your thought process to what is good and honorable in the sight of God, you will always have a healthy and positive view of your fellowman.

2.      Practice telling the truth – Paul also encourages us to put on our new nature (as believers) whereby we were created to be like God – truly righteous and holy. Stop telling lies, but speak truthfully to one another seeing that we all belong to the “Body of Christ”… (Ephesians 4:24-26)

3.      Stay in the word- Keep the word of Christ alive within you, be wise when teaching and admonishing one another… (Colossians 3:16)

4.      Obey God – Stay humble by submitting yourself to God, and ignoring the enticement from Satan to do evil… (James 4:7)

Don’t be a double agent, but be single-minded in Christ and kill the assassin within you.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Dwarfing Your Giants...

As we look around the world today, there is no denying the turmoil and upheaval  that the community of earth is being forced to deal with.

Daily our world faces the threat of natural disasters, escalating crime rates, broken homes and marriages and also a weak economy. All these issues have the tendency to loom large in each of our lives. They are capable of causing our faith to fail and our hearts to fear; and if we are not careful, we will become cowardice in spirit, easily causing our thoughts turn to suicide.

These and many other issues are giants which if allowed, have the ability to stop our appointed progress in the Kingdom of God and ruin our natural lives. They cause us to worry and destroy the “peace that passeth our understanding”. And it doesn’t matter that Jesus admonishes us in Matthews the sixth chapter to take no thought for our lives, because the issues of life have a way of distracting us so that we fail to keep our minds stayed on him.

“The Philistines now mustered their army for battle Then Goliath, a Philistine champion from Gath, came out of the Philistine ranks to face the forces of Israel. He was over nine feet tall! He wore a bronze helmet, and his bronze coat of mail weighed 125 pounds. He also wore bronze leg armor, and he carried a bronze javelin on his shoulder. The shaft of his spear was as heavy and thick as a weaver’s beam, tipped with an iron spearhead that weighed 15 pounds. His armor bearer walked ahead of him carrying a shield. Goliath stood and shouted a taunt across to the Israelites. “Why are you all coming out to fight?” he called. “I am the Philistine champion, but you are only the servants of Saul. Choose one man to come down here and fight me! If he kills me, then we will be your slaves. But if I kill him, you will be our slaves! I defy the armies of Israel today! Send me a man who will fight me!” When Saul and the Israelites heard this, they were terrified and deeply shaken.” (1st Samuel 17:1-11 NLT)

In the Hebrew tongue Goliath’s name means “Splendour”… the mere sight of him was enough to shake any ones faith.

Giants are bullies that harass the people of God each and every day; they call out from the spirit realm with the purpose of causing us to make bad decisions which not only affect you, but also those around you. Giants reveal themselves in many forms:

·         Compounded With Other Peoples Issues: Often times when facing our giants someone close comes along to drop their own issues in our lap. Just as David arrives to meet with his brothers he hears Goliath’s threats, and also witnesses the fear that engulfs the armies of Israel. David questions their courage, and also overhears a few soldiers discussing the reward the King will offer to the man who kills the giant. But Eliab; David’s eldest brother is filled with anger towards David… reference 1st Samuel 17:24-29… Eliab’s issue with his younger brother stems from being passed over when the prophet Samuel anointed David as the future King of Israel… reference 1st Samuel 16:1-13... When you’re about to face your giant that’s not the time to be encumbered with someone else’s issues of jealousy. A tactic of the enemy is to have you lose focus of the task before you because he understands that the victory has already been won in the heavenly’s. (see Ephesians 6:12)

Your response to the personal issues others may have with you must simply be…”That’s Not My Problem”

·         People Will Doubt You: There’s no question that God has gifted us with many awesome abilities. However there are those who doubt what God has done within you. Those feelings are mostly formed out of their fear and envy. King Saul doubted David’s ability to challenge and defeat Goliath based on how he viewed both men, and also by the fact that he was too afraid of facing the giant… reference vs. 31-37… But you must never forget the fact that; “You Have History With God”… David remembered his past victories over a lion and a bear while watching his father’s flock and boldly proclaimed to the king exactly what God had accomplished through him.

·         People Expect You To Use Their Tactics: There is an old adage in the world of boxing that says; styles make fights… and since not everyone fights the same, then not everyone wins in the same manner. King Saul attempted to put his armour on David…see vs. 38-40… but David’s weapon of choice was a sling, the very same weapon he used to defeat the lion and bear… “Use Your Own Stuff”… When dwarfing your giants, it is always wise to use the skill set that God has instilled within you, both naturally and spiritually. The Apostle Paul wrote;

“We are human, but we don’t wage war as humans do. We use God’s mighty weapons, not worldly weapons, to knock down the strongholds of human reasoning and to destroy false arguments. We destroy every proud obstacle that keeps people from knowing God. We capture their rebellious thoughts and teach them to obey Christ.” (Ref. 2nd Corinthians 10:4-5 NLT)

So exactly how do we dwarf the giants that oppose us, and what weapons do we use?.

·         Truth: The truth of Gods’ word is that his spirit in us is far greater than any in this present world and, gives us the freedom to do and accomplish all things.

·         Righteousness: As in “Gods’ Righteousness” because our own is flawed and filthy.

·         Peace: The peace of knowing that we belong to him, the very peace that Jesus promised us and also helps us to live at peace with all mankind. This is the same peace by which the child of God is able to share the Gospel with all men.

·         Faith: Which enables the believer to completely trust in the Lord and do exploits in his name, and is able to shield us from the attacks of the enemy.

·          Salvation: Which comes from a repented life that accepts Christ as Savior, and Lord.

·         The Word of God: By which our faith is increased and also helps us to understand the heart of God. “The Sword of the Spirit” to be wielded against the lies and tricks of Satan our adversary.

·         Prayer: Praying in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere.

By following these guidelines our problems will be rendered small in our eyes, and our giants will become dwarfs.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Transformed Into His Likeness

When I was a first grader my teacher read to us the story of the ugly duckling. It told of how this mother duck laid six eggs, but somehow found herself also sitting on a seventh egg yet to be hatched. While she was trying to figure out how the extra egg got underneath her it began to hatch, producing the ugliest creature she’d ever seen. The mother could not understand how this ugly duck could be one of hers.

Not only was he big and clumsy, but he ate more than his brothers and nobody really liked, or wanted him at all. This caused the little duck to run away from home. Unfortunately for him an old woman mis-took him for a goose believing that he could lay eggs. But day’s later she found no eggs; she planned to kill and eat him.

Somehow the woman forgot to lock his cage and the ugly duck escaped. The very next day, he was again captured; this time by a local farmer. The duckling was cold and shivering, so the farmer put the duck in his pocket and took him home to his children who took very good care of him during the winter. When springtime arrived the farmer took the duck from the barn and placed him in the nearest pond.

The duck was still sulking over the fact that he didn’t look like the other ducks when suddenly he saw his reflection in the water.  To his amazement, the once ugly duck was now a beautiful swan. As he swam along he could hear some children saying that he was the most beautiful swan of them all.

For some of us, our spiritual journey began in the same manner and is quite a mystery to many. How can a person who is indifferent and hostile towards God, suddenly become a deeply committed follower of Christ? For that matter, how does the individual who was once enslaved to their sinful nature become a gentle person of compassion? Furthermore, how does a philosophical, self-righteous, Pharisee of Pharisee’s named Saul of Tarsus; become a humble, self-effacing Paul the Apostle?

This same Paul writes in 2nd Corinthians 3:18 (NASB) – But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as from the Lord, the Spirit.”

The word transform in Greek terminology is metamorphoomai which is translated in English as metamorphosis. The Apostle is simply saying that just as a caterpillar transforms into a beautiful butterfly, (or an ugly duckling into a swan); after accepting Christ we begin the transformation process from sinner to His likeness. This process is called “Sanctification”.

Sanctification is the work of the Holy Spirit in us whereby our inner being is progressively changed, freeing us at each level from our sinful habits, and over time, developing within us the virtues of Christlike character. Although sanctification is the work of the Holy Spirit in us, it does involve our wholehearted response to obedience, and the regular practice of spiritual disciplines that are the instruments of sanctification. Simply put; if we walk after the Spirit, we will not fulfill the lusts of the flesh. (Ref. Galatians 5:16)

Just think about it; we once were ugly in our spirit-man to the point where we were left in the cold of our sinful nature. But Christ came along with the warmth of the Holy Spirit, so now when we look into the mirror; we see the reflection of His likeness…. “Ugly Ducklings No More”….we’ve been transformed into His likeness.
By the way; in the story of the ugly duckling, we read how the mother duck suddenly found a seventh is the Lord's number for perfection.

Foot Notes: – KJV & NASB

Discipline of Grace by Jerry Bridges

The Ugly Duckling – Ivy’s   

Cross references:

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Majoring in the Minors

In the sport of baseball you have the major league and the minor leagues. In the major league you’ll find athletes who are playing at the top of their game. These individuals are focused on their skill set and also on the ultimate goal which is to win a championship pennant. Their love for the game and the high level of competition drives them to stay in shape and concentrate on the teams goals. If a player begins to show a lack of consistency he’s sent to one of the minor league teams where the competition is not as high, nor is the accommodations which pro players have become accustomed to. You can’t come up to the majors if you’re still performing at the level of the minors.

Over the years I’ve often found myself smack-dab in the middle of religious debates….(something that now-a-days I refuse to be a part of)….I’ve had people come to me with all types of topics. One person once told me that if you didn’t speak in tongues that you weren’t saved, another said that God doesn’t call women to preach, yet still another argued that Jehoshua is the proper name for Jesus and someone else argued King James Version vs. New International Version….

I am often amazed however, at people’s un-willingness to concentrate their efforts on what really matters…”well what do you mean preacher?”

Let’s begin with salvation and speaking in tongues first; we’ve all quoted John 3:16

“For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

And Romans 10:9-10

“That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.”

The argument on the speaking in tongues side is that tongues are evidence of the existence of the Holy Spirit at work in the life of the believer, and I agree. However, one’s ability to love their fellowman unconditionally is greater evidence of the Holy Spirit. It was Jesus who said that upon the act of love rested all of the law and the prophets. (Ref. Matthew 22:34-40)

Tongues can be mimicked, but “Agape Love” is always genuine.

The Spirit of Christ lives within every believer as Christ himself has declared to the Father. (Ref. John 22:22-23)

The second issue refers to the name of Jesus. Some have argued that the proper pronunciation is Jeshoua, to that argument I submit that if I were Hebrew, that would be the correct manner in which to pronounce His name. However I’m not Hebrew, and in my native tongue the name is pronounced Jesus. Look; my birth name is John which in the Hispanic tongue is pronounced Juan. Has my name been disrespected or disgraced? Not at all, it’s simply a matter of geography. We live in a world of many different languages where grammar and pronunciations are very different.

So what's the real point I’m trying to make here?

As a Christian my first responsibility is to love God, and my second is to carry out the great commission. I must also maintain a prayer life and “Live In His Word”

When we “major in the minors” not only do we confuse the many who desire to surrender their lives to Christ, we also miss out on an opportunity to let our light shine, meaning that our Father in heaven gets no glory out of us. (Ref. Matthew 28:19-20 and 5:16)

Stop wasting time and effort on foolish arguments and debates; too many souls are hanging in the balance. Let’s stop “Majoring in the Minors”.