Friday, January 20, 2012

Hebron Shophar

Obeying Your Thirst

During my third year as a Marine, I was assigned to carry out the task of running a wire-line from the communication center where my unit was located in the Mojave Desert to an artillery battery which was located about 8 miles from our camp. I gathered the two Marines that would make up my crew, had breakfast; then we loaded our gear and headed off to the middle of the desert. I was certain that the job would take no longer than a day and maybe a couple of hours the next morning.
What I failed to do was take into consideration how rough the terrain would be in areas where we’d be required to lay some of our line underground. I also neglected to give much thought to our water supply because I anticipated a fairly quick job.
The assignment took about three and a half days and for the last day I hardly drank any water even though my body was trying to tell me it needed refreshing. Needless to say, by the time we returned to our base camp, I became disoriented, weak, and dizzy to the point of finally blacking out.
I was later awakened in the sick-bay tent by a tank filled with freezing ice water being hosed onto my body to bring its temperature back to normal. Did I mention that I only had a half canteen of water when we started out that morning? I didn’t think I’d need more than that… (Poor Judgment, lack of attention to detail)
In the 4th chapter of John, Jesus stops by a well in the Samaritan village of Sychar, where he meets a woman whose lifestyle is pretty much in question; but she doesn’t seem to think she’s in need of what the Savior has to offer, nor does she feel a need to be of service to Him. Jesus petition’s her for a drink, however she’s not just startled by the request; but also at the idea that Christ, a Jew; would even approach a Samaritan woman. Quite-frankly, this woman does not see the importance of listening to the Father or even having conversation with Him; and in so many words she makes her point understood and replies by saying: “You are a Jew, and I am a Samaritan woman. Why are you asking me for a drink?”  Jesus promptly responds to her statement and says:

“If you only knew the gift God has for you and who you are speaking to, you would ask me, and I would give you living water.”  (vs.10)
This woman was so comfortable with her lifestyle; she was married four times prior to meeting Jesus, and the man whom with she was living at this particular time was not her husband. The well-meaning citizens of Samaria wanted nothing to do with her and avoided her like the plague. Yet she was comfortable in her own skin and poor decision making; not realizing that her spirit was crying out for the Lord. In all of her self-righteousness, she questions whether Jesus is equipped to draw from her well; and basically accuses Him of thinking more of Himself than she believes Him to be…but now her curiosity has peaked. Jesus realizing this says to her:  “Anyone who drinks this water will soon become thirsty again. But those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again. It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within them, giving them eternal life.”
By neglecting to spend time in Gods’ presence and His word daily, our spirit man is left to wander through the barren and desolate issues of life with no relief in sight. We become easy prey for an enemy who walks around looking for a weak link in the Body of Christ solely to destroy their purpose and steal their joy; leaving them spiritually unconscious and dry.
One cannot navigate through the pressures of this life without the thirst killing power of Gods’ word and His awesome presence, to guide us through the difficulties that we are bound to face during the course of each day.  The enemy sends stress, hardship, and disappointment our way, attempting to dry us out spiritually. Obey your thirst, and let the words of Christ flow within you daily to strengthen you; and increase your faith, which comes from simply hearing and meditating on His word each morning, noon and night.
You have a long and busy day ahead…..
OBEY YOUR THISRT”….seek the presence of God and the refreshing, thirst quenching power of His word daily.

 (Ref. Isaiah 44:3 and John 7:37b)

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