Thursday, April 19, 2012

"The Kingdom Strikes Back!"

“And from the days of John the Baptist until now the Kingdom of Heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force.” Matthew 11:12

For many years I used to read this scripture and hear it quoted by so many in the Body of Christ, but I could never really grasp what the Savior meant by this saying. Thank God that He sent the Comforter after Christ ascended into heaven. It was through the knowledge and power of the Holy Spirit that I came to understand what Jesus was saying.

From the time John the Baptist began preaching, (even until now), the Kingdom of Heaven has been triumphantly, and forcefully advancing according to God’s will and purpose for His people.

However there are other violent people who attack the Kingdom and it’s principles on a regular, daily basis.

You might ask the question; “In this post-moderate generation, how can we be sure that this is still the case?”

Here is the “Litmus Test”:

(The Work Place) - On your jobs you may hear every kind of conversation from sexual exploits, to soap-opera digests and the bumping party last weekend. You hear stories of illicit affairs and get-over schemes, and the beat goes on and on…

Those conversations are widely accepted around the water-cooler, but just try sharing the word of God in the work place and see what kind of backlash you receive? Many of your co-workers and supervisors will tell you that this is not the proper time or place for such conversation.

(The Classroom) – Prayer has long since been eliminated. It’s common now days to pick up a newspaper and read about students who were suspended for simply mentioning Gods’ name in a book report. High school valedictorians must have their graduation speeches screened in an effort to assure that there is no mention of God or Christ because school officials don’t want to offend people of other religious beliefs.

(Government) – If the removal of the “Ten Commandments” from city, county, and state halls of justice isn’t proof enough, how about the removal of “In God We Trust” from our currency; and let’s not forget eliminating from the pledge of allegiance “One Nation Under God”...  

Christian values are no longer acceptable to an insatiable society that adheres to the laws of secular-humanism, the hip-hop culture, Hollywood, Wall Street, the Parisian cat-walk, The View, and this generation of “I’m-a-do-me”


In the words of the late Marine Colonel Chesty Puller; “we’re surrounded, that simplifies the problem”

I remember when I was about to enter 1st grade, my dad took me to school. As we walked up the street he began to give me instructions on how to survive what would be my initial year of formal education. His instructions were simple:

·        Pay attention to the teacher

·        Don’t misbehave in the classroom

·        Go straight to school and come straight home…..and…..

·        If somebody hits you, hit them back!

Saints we have been taking hits from all angles… politicians and special interest groups continue to move against the church with plans designed to wipe us off of the face of the earth. This wicked society has a two-faced agenda. On one hand they feign promoting good wholesome values, but readily accept same-sex-marriages, shacking-up, and casual/pre-marital sex.

It’s ok to violate the Ten Commandments and the golden rule because ultimately you are gods unto yourselves. It’s ok the shoot videos of street fights and air them on YouTube, but not in my neighborhood and not if my child is involved.

We fight against not only a world of darkness, but a double-minded generation designed to only satisfy itself. (Ref. James 1:8)

I quote the Apostle Paul and say;

“Finally my brethren, be strong in the Lord and the power of His might. Put on the whole armour of God that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the Devil.

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, and powers, against the rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.”

Ephesians 6:10-13

I want to challenge everyone in the Body of Christ to strike back for the Kingdom of God…

At school or work do the un-expected;

instead of eating lunch in the cafeteria, gather outside on campus grounds and pray together…share the word of God and encourage each other; and when they ask why you’re doing this, be ready and willing to give an answer of the hope that is within you.

The Spirit of God (Jehovah-Nissi) has raised the standard against our enemies, and no weapon that they can produce will ever be able to prosper against us.

“We Are Kingdom and the Kingdom is Striking Back!”

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